Monthly Archive: October 2014

brown loop

Ward Pound Ridge Reservation I chose the brown loop, 3.7 miles but took a wrong turn onto “DH” – Deer Hollow across the top end of the park ended up walking 4.3 miles I...

cove island beach

three times around, approximately 3 miles cheated by timing my walk as meditation on Insight Timer birds – seagulls; a mockingbird (?) with an ultra liquid song people walking, speaking unfamiliar languages sun in...

tour de bronx

25 mile route plus 4 miles back to vehicle love this tour – it’s free, so everybody joins great variety of people and machines stop-and-go in many ways stopped vehicles everywhere waiting for cyclists...

wahackme – bridle trail – frogtown

4 miles ended up walking here because I was lost looking for Mianus River walking trail in the wrong place I parked at a school and walked a loop in a wealthy part of...


Finding interest in pieces of this larger piece. Scraps of text now only partly visible and fragments of phrases.


constant effort to transform delusions and they are inexhaustible it’s quite something! this blog needs a different title

bouton street loop

about 3.5 miles? this is my most common walking route I find it most uninspiring walking in the neighborhood like saying goodbye but there’s no goodbye I wish I were walking to somewhere maybe...