Category: events


I went with relatives to the Gardens Aglow light show at the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens yesterday. It was a long drive even though I was only a passenger and I feel groggy today....

Fair 2

A few more random photos from the fair. It already seems distant – or rather integrated into our way of life here at home. As a sign of that integration — we bought two...

Fiber at the Fair

I’m always overcome by the predominance of wool at the fair as an agricultural product. I know now there are other fairs that focus on fleece, wool, yarn, etc. But this fair was the...


Saturday there was a cruise on a catamaran in Saco Bay (Southern Maine). My sister and her husband from Delaware came up to visit and my sister in Saco chartered this boat ride. Different...


Rain today. So welcome. I went to a family reunion – brothers, sisters, partners, kids. And my son came from Denver. This was a big deal because he hasn’t been east in don’t-know-how-many-years. He...

Island Wool

I was lucky enough to go to a reception for a local exhibit called “Island Wool” featuring the work of Susan Barrett Merrill, Geri Valentine, and Susanne Grosjean. The exhibit had a really cozy...

Act local

There’s a lot going on around here. My partner decided to run for the town select board. He’s never done this before. Maybe it’s a change of heart due to his bypass surgery in...