Monthly Archive: November 2007

doodle beings

This one is frazzled and troubled    This one is hopelessly muddled     These two have flair     These two make a pair

“code is poetry”

New blog project is at: 80 pages, 1 subject Challenges: Needed to move away from typical blog display Hunted around in themes to find something that matched the nature of the project Found SG/Dark,...


It’s Thanksgiving. The sky is blue, the trees are yellow and brown. Earlier the sky was orange fog color. The birds were singing. Now the pumpkin ginger pie is cooling and the butternut squash/black...

magic is real

title of spam but it catches my eye seems to fit tonight traffic jam all the way to Greenpoint Brooklyn’s Word where we still arrived in time to catch Jennifer’s reading punctuated by the...


Bianwen: Translated by Victor Mair as “transformation text,” Bianwen represents a prosimetric form of storytelling popular from the 8th to the 10th centuries, thus is regarded as the earliest extended vernacular and fictional narrative...

signs on the way to work

CRASH CONTROL ZONE (flashing in lights) LIFE IS WORTH LIVING (twice on the approach to the Tappan Zee bridge)