Tagged: jane davies

like it or not

Depth, character, maturity. Sometimes I like a piece, or like MOST of it, but it lacks depth and character, or maturity. The only way to get it there is to keep going, and in...


I am thinking of celebrating poetry month this year with letters and paint.


I got carried away with magenta. The whole painting is disturbingly bright. But crops of it are very pleasant. As a child, I was fascinated with magenta, the word and the color. It seemed...

house of opaque meanings

I dreamt of a Facebook group called “The House of Opaque Meanings.” The details of the dream are gone now, but it was a marvelous group that you didn’t join, but that surprised you...

busy quiet balance

Favorite piece from Lesson 8. Interested in how little villages evolve in abstract paintings. Also – landscapes and distant cities.

unity in green

From the lesson focusing on unity (in color) The thrill of painting stripes, in a variety of greens. There is some mystique about green, that it is hard to learn about, hard to use....