Tagged: susanne_grosjean

Indigo dyeing

Dyeing with indigo has always been mysterious. I’d love to have a little vat at home that I could understand and work with. But it’s intimidating. There seem to be so many options and...

Fiber at the Fair

I’m always overcome by the predominance of wool at the fair as an agricultural product. I know now there are other fairs that focus on fleece, wool, yarn, etc. But this fair was the...

Island Wool

I was lucky enough to go to a reception for a local exhibit called “Island Wool” featuring the work of Susan Barrett Merrill, Geri Valentine, and Susanne Grosjean. The exhibit had a really cozy...

Sunshine quilt

I collected cloth from my stash to piece together for a small quilt. Focusing on yellow because I’ve been feeling much more optimistic on sunny days. Then I had to add some purple, magenta...

Dyeing with extracts – wrapup

I brought home two plastic bottles of dye from the dyeing workshop and used these leftovers to dye some additional fabric and yarn samples. Here’s some photos.

Dyeing with extracts

I took a workshop with Susanne Grosjean again this year. This time focusing on extracts. I learned a lot and came home with a sample card of 25 dyed yarns and a selection of...

Patch play

I laid out the two-inch patches and played with finding pleasing arrangements. I like some of these a lot and may stitch them together. Some are still a play-in-progress. My favorite part of this...