Tagged: garden quilt


I made some pages for a handmade book. I painted large sheets on both sides before tearing down and folding into pages. First step, applied gesso using stencils. This made some almost invisible motifs...


I almost have enough squares to complete the garden quilt. (The top left has a 3×3 standing in for a 4×4.) The top third is not stitched together, just laid out on a trial...


Quilt progress. I’ve figured out the size. What a relief. About 53″ wide and 75″ long. Now I can finally figure out how many squares I need to finish. I have the scaffolding squares...

Forward into fall

The change in season had me a bit stumped for awhile. I couldn’t let go of summer. I finally let some projects show me the path forward. This corkboard sits in the corner where...


Today’s passage from The Dawn of Everything covers new thinking about gardening and the gardeners of the distant past. What if we shifted the emphasis away from agriculture and domestication to, say, botany or...

Cloth story for now

This cloth is ready to take a rest now. Here it is when I had just a few seams left to stitch. I enjoyed seeing it in folds as I maneuvered the strips into...

Garden quilt

Photo taken in abundant sunshine, as the weather report likes to say. I’ve changed the name of the khaki cloth to the garden quilt. It’s almost half done. I’m going to finish stitching the...