Category: knitting

Staying in

We stayed inside most of the day. Snow, then rain — general wintry precipitation and temps hovering around freezing. The snow is heavy now and difficult to shovel. I did a few things that...

Red sky

The sunrise was very bright this morning. It was exciting even though it only lasted a few minutes. It’s supposed to rain/snow, but not until tomorrow night. So I’m not sure what this “sailor’s...

Turning a heel

This is a back-to-basics kind of post. There is a lot of everyday wholesomeness around here to embrace, so let’s do it. By the way, Sam was running for county commissioner. And – he...

October begins

I saw two new birds at the feeder today. That is surely a sign of seasonal change. One was a woodpecker, black and white. He didn’t belong at the feeder, but he was tapping...


Sam was mowing the neighbor’s lawn while she’s away. He went around and around. When he got close to the center, he startled a fawn out of the grass. It ran away. Last night,...

what it’s about

Inside vs. outside. Black, white, and gray vs. color. Wet and chilly vs. dry and cozy. Contrasts. We went grocery shopping at the food co-op in Blue Hill today. Stopped at our favorite little...