Category: birds


I’m around, I just can’t seem to keep up. I’m trying to be careful with my priorities. Of course, trying to fit in a lot of planting and plant-tending time into an already full...

Moving through

I’m wrapping up this stitching project. Here are the latest photos of the last embroidery I worked on. All the pieces are in place. I put in a moon at the last minute. This...

Bear Road walk

It seemed like an ordinary walk, but reflecting and looking back at these photos – it was taking steps into a transcendent realm. And an eagle posed for this shot, near the pond’s outlet....

Autumn arrives

It’s been raining heavily most of the day. A solemn feeling. Yesterday I walked. And took these photos of weathered wood (decorated) and wild turkeys. And I was finally able to take a photo...


Beautiful morning, a touch of fog. Lots of dew. Wondering if color and shape from the external world seep into me unconsciously. The softness of this fog bank, the fluffy edges. I was starting...

The bluebird of happiness

I am happy to say we saw this bluebird on our bird feeder today AND then checking out the vacant bluebird house in the side yard. There are bluebirds nesting near us, through the...