where does this go
Leon Levy Preserve
? miles (cell phone battery quit)
mild sun
light crust of snow
Interesting to hike with snow on the ground. The trail becomes obvious from other people’s and dogs’ tracks. This is a surprise.
Retraced the place I got lost again. I had plenty of time before sunset, so ventured the big loop on to the yellow trail. Adding a little blue/purple extension that took me all the way to the southern boundary of the preserve.
Learning the trail marking system, how an intersection is shown with a pattern.
Headed off down the “green” trail, which is new and not on the map. Where does this go? Reflecting how many times in my life I have asked that question and headed off – wisely or unwisely.
I met two huskies and a woman coming toward me on the green trail. The dogs were beautiful, calm and friendly. I spoke to the woman, asking her where this trail intersected ahead. She gave me good advice. Another way of unlosting.
The parking lot to White to Blue to continued Blue to Purple to Yellow/Purple to Yellow to Green (unmapped) to Red (unmarked and unmapped) to retraced Yellow to Blue to the parking lot.