A good day to stay in and work on my projects. The third crewel piece is coming along. It’s not turning out the way I planned, because I started to free-style with the colors. The top right heart (gold) takes up lobes 2 and 3 there, when it was supposed to be side-by-side (1 and 2, then 3 and 4). If that makes sense. That seems to be the way it wanted to be. I’ll just have to keep going and see how it turns out. I’ve lost focus on the color plan. Instead I’m finding stitch placement very interesting. I’m concentrating on laying the stitches evenly to achieve a smooth pattern and a gradient effect. It’s very absorbing. The dark green looked too dark, so I added some short stitches of light green on top of it. I like that speckled look.

Looking out the door this morning at the rain falling, I noticed how similar the crewel colors are to the hazelnut and weeds against the evergreen forest. Not intentional.

Of course, we had to go out to the grocery store. We always seem to find a reason to go out in bad weather. On the way home, we decided to swing by the cove to see what the tide is doing. We came from the opposite direction and found we were blocked from passage by seaweed and driftwood logs tossed over the road by the wind and surf. We had to turn around and backtrack to get home. This part of the road has been covered with seaweed and debris at least four times this season. It really needs some repair at this point.

The crewel piece is looking beautiful.
It’s coming along. I’m very eager to finish it.
I love those colors and the gradients too!
Thank you, Dana! I feel a little lost when working on them, but then when they’re finished I like how they look.
The colors match perfectly .. without you even trying! In the past I did a lot of embroidery .. loved making eyeglass cases for special friends. You’ve got me thinking I should/could do that again ummm ????
I wouldn’t be doing the crewel except someone was looking for collaborators. But I’m sorta glad I’m doing it, I’m learning some new techniques.