Category: Ecopoetics


Cecilia Vicuña: Student Archives Don’t we need more of this? More models of people engaging with a poet’s work. I will spend some time on this site. This section of the Cecilia Vicuna Archive...

hopelessly muddled

JONATHAN SKINNER / WHY ECOPOETICS? ecopoetics volume 1 I’m getting a little tired of ecopoetics, volume 1. I’ve been living with it a long time. I’m eager to move on to CECILIA VICUÑA, and...

place vs. ground (2)

Still contemplating “place” with Stephen Batchelor’s Confession of a Buddhist Atheist as guide. One needs to make a conscious shift from delight in a fixed place to awareness of a contingent ground. (Confession, p....

thoreau on ecopoetics

From The Journal, 1837-1861, Henry David Thoreau, page 9: The poem is drawn out from under the feet of the poet, his whole weight has rested on this ground. Online sources like Wikiquote continue...

no where here

Sitting on the deck in Maine, morning. Rain just starting. I got up to sit under the porch roof. Wearing a lot of layers, including a fleece jacket. Lingering thoughts about “place.” Being a...

“my hedon eden”

ELENI SIKELIANOS / FROM THE CALIFORNIA POEM ecopoetics volume 1, page 99 I’m stuck on writing about this excerpt. It’s from a book-length poem. I feel like I should look at the whole book....