
6 Responses

  1. Nancy says:

    We’ve had many June Bugs at work this year. And I’ve noticed so many dragonflies in my valley this season…which is not an insect I usually see a lot of.
    Your garden is a sight to fill ones spirit. I’m reading The Wild Braid and your garden reminds me of this.

  2. Liz A says:

    what a glorious riot of growth your garden is … sunshine repackaged into the best of gifts

    and somehow the last image of the cicada looks birdlike

  3. grace says:

    all my life i have loved cicadda….chicharra, with a rolled r, in spanish,
    their life cycle is nothing less than Magic.
    When my daughter was about 4, she sat ALL Day watching one emerge from it’s shell on our chestnut tree….talking to it, talking to
    it, and had just gotten it to come onto her hand when someone with a 10 speed bicycle came down the street fast…a hill….that
    ticking sound….the cicada trembled and took off after it….she was heartbroken.
    have not known any to be here in the Foothills…..i miss them. Thank you so much for this.

    and that excerpt from the Master Gardners i posted….maybe it’s this that i FEEEEL so strongly from Your Garden, this photograph
    a fine example….the Joy, exhuberence, abundance

    • Catherine says:

      Thank you for letting me know your impressions and experiences in response to my garden. It really makes it richer for me. Now I’ll think of your daughter’s watching when I see a cicada.

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