Observing microseasons

6 Responses

  1. Stephanie says:

    Glorious colors! I like the idea of the microseasons though the traditional four pass so quickly it makes my head spin.

  2. Liz A says:

    I found myself wondering if the microseasons in Japan have become unmoored in the wake of global climate change (aka weather weirding) … how interesting it would be to know if the time of “woolly caterpillar season” changes from one year to the next … and now I want to know more about the 72 microseasons … so thank you for firing my curiosity and for including such beautiful fall colors in your musings

    • Catherine says:

      I have been thinking about the impact of climate change on the microseasons. It might need to be a yearly practice, this naming. The sun, moon, planets, and stars would be steadfast though. A related term I learned when I moved to Maine is “phenology.”

  3. Beth from Still Life Pond says:

    Such beautiful colors in your photos. With sudden clear blue skies and sun here, it is much the same. I walk around in awe and have taken dozens of photos. I maybe could call these days stained-glass leaf days. I’m not sure I could pick just one tree or plant.

    • Catherine says:

      I think “stained glass” when I see the sun shining through the hazelnut leaves at the corner of the kitchen window. So beautiful.

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