Category: stitching


I looked up “Candlemas.” It’s a Christian holiday that was originally a Celtic celebration of the cross-quarter day, or midpoint between the solstice and the equinox. For me personally, I decided to make it...


Something new I’m experiencing – at almost 67 years old (Thursday!). Going back to a project months or years later, continuing. Mending. Assembling and reassembling. Reusing. This feels new. Or maybe it feels old...


Yesterday was a perfect day to do a little cross-country skiing in Acadia. It feels strange to post about yesterday sometimes. I feel like Grace “I’m not good at yesterday.” Today feels quite different,...

November invites

I just wanted to acknowledge the beginning of November. And send my love. Not too many words right now. A swirl of kitchen, garden, family. And mountains (hills).

End of season

The colors. The contrasts. The goldenrod holds it. Summer goes out. Wondering about words. Blogging. Stories. A life.

magic all around

A day of settling in. Cloudy, but no rain. Yesterday, rain kept me inside most of the day except for a walk between showers. I revisited a lot of the works-in-progress I had going...

Home, and it’s September

I am done with traveling and out-of-town visitors for the summer. Relieved. It’s time to settle in and reconnect. I took a very small stitching project with me. A pocket cloth sunflower like Jude...